Golden Pothos, Peperomia Variegated
This Living Bouquet is unlike regular flower bouquet. It will stay with you forever. It has a wooden encasing and stylish CNC cut handles , ergonomically designed for proper grip.
The wooden encase has water inlet , for hassle free watering. The module has inbuilt irrigation system which allows the roots to take water through capillary action.
It is finished with high quality paint making it durable. Colours chosen to paint the encase are contemporary , to match all interior finishes.
The modules and plant holders are of food grade plastic.
- Golden Pothos: This houseplant is easy to grow and hard to kill. Low on maintenance and needs less water .The heart shaped leaf plant loves bright, indirect light. An excellent plant to be kept in homes, kitchens, bathrooms (loves humidity).
- Peperomia Variegated: This is an attractive plant with thick, fleshy, glossy, cupped leaves. A low maintenance plants which loves bright indirect light and less water.
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